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Bridge Detailed Design

Detailed engineering design is the product of a consultant who used to make a detailed planning of civilian buildings. Detail Engineering Design (DED) consisting of : picture detail bridges, budget plans, work plans and terms.

1.   Grogot Bridge, Grogot, East Kalimantan (2009)
2.   Angso Duo Bridge, Jambi (2012)
3.   Mentalat Bridge, Central Kalimantan (2012)
4.   Kutai Natanegara Replacement, East Kalimantan (2012)
5.   Loa Kulu Bridge, East Kalimantan (2012)
6.   Teluk Belinyu Bridge, Bangka Belitung Island (2012)
7.   Nipah Panjang Bridge, Jambi (2012)
8.   Batang Hari III Bridge, Jambi (2013)
9.   Sei Samba Bridge, Central Kalimantan (2013)
10.  Kahala Bridge, East Kalimantan (2013)
11.   Anambas Bridge, Anambas Island (2013)
12.   Kumala Bridge, Kaltim (2013)